“I am so excited to represent British Columbia for upcoming competitions and wish to encourage more Asian women representation in snowboarding,” said the 17-year-old professional snowboarder Christina Tian.

Christina Tian was born in Shanghai and moved back and forth between Shenzhen and Vancouver during her elementary school years. She is now finishing grade 11 at Little Flower Academy, the leading high school in Vancouver, BC. 

Starting winter sports at a young age

She is a freestyle snowboard athlete representing Team BC and training with Whistler Valley Snowboard Club. She has also won 16 medals from local, provincial, and international competitions. Beyond her involvement in competitions, Christina has taken on a number of leadership roles. The intriguing world of business sparked her interest from a young age, leading her to become an entrepreneur with Moonlight Studio, a jewelry enterprise, where she generated over $1,250 in revenue. She has also won multiple international business cases and pitch competitions. 

Capturing a grab at BC Winter Games.Christina|在滑雪比赛中的抓板瞬间

At the age of 5, Christina started winter sports, such as skiing and figure skating, and immediately fell in love with these activities. At 9, she took up snowboarding to follow in her elder sister’s footsteps. After spending some time passionate about her new hobby, she entered her first major competition with the encouragement of her family and friends.

Taking a photo with Eileen Gu, the world's freestyle skiing champion while competing in New Zealand in August 2022.|2022年8月在新西兰参加国际滑雪比赛时偶遇世界冠军谷爱凌

Having had a taste of competition, Christina’s passion increased, and she began training every weekend during winter with the Fraser Valley Snowboard Club, building a strong skill set to improve her performance during competitions. She is currently part of the Whistler Valley Snowboard Club and represents the British Columbia Team in competitions.

Some snowboarding medals Christina Tian has won in the past three years|三年来荣获的单板滑雪奖牌

Christina has achieved great heights, and has set herself apart in snowboarding by reaching the podium 7 times at BC Provincial Championships and ranking highly in the globally acclaimed Air Nation Freestyle Tour, BC Winter Games, and even competitions overseas in New Zealand. She represents British Columbia and cannot wait to find other opportunities to push her limits. Beyond competitions, she holds a Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors License, allowing her to contribute to her community by coaching and volunteering at local mountains. 

Advocating gender equality in sports

Her commitment extends beyond the slopes, as she advocates for the advancement of women's snowboarding through media appearances, news interviews, coaching initiatives, and global speaking engagements, earning global recognition such as the HERpower Global Youth Leadership Award. Christina strives to empower female and Asian representation across all sports, especially snowboarding and promote youth activeness.

Celebrating with teammates after winning 1st place at the Strive 2024 Business Competition. |2024年春天和队友荣获UBC尚德商学院商赛冠军

The status quo in sports shows male athletes greatly outnumber female athletes due to cultural norms, resource access, and stereotypes, especially affecting women and girls. She advocates for more opportunities specific to women are created to allow girls to have the same benefits from a sport like snowboarding as well as increase the competition level in these sports. Gender equality in sports ensures individuals, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities, resources, and recognition in athletics. Media representation often perpetuates gender bias, highlighting the need for equitable portrayal of female athletes to promote diverse role models. 

Additionally, professional sports show disparities in salaries, endorsements, and prize money due to structural factors like sponsorship, revenue generation, and bargaining power, necessitating fair compensation strategies. Leadership roles in sports also reflect gender inequality, with women underrepresented in coaching, administrative, and governance positions due to implicit bias, lack of mentorship, and systemic discrimination. 

Discussions with mentors and peers|与老师、同学在交流

This is where Christina’s work comes in: by increasing gender diversity in sports leadership is crucial for a more inclusive environment. For example, snowboarding shows a gender imbalance, with events like the Whistler Blackcomb Freestyle BC Provincial Competition having six times more male participants as females. This imbalance highlights the need for proactive steps to overcome gender inequality. Media perpetuates limited roles for girls from a young age, steering them towards activities like ballet, while most sports remain male-dominated. Overcoming these barriers is essential to unlock girls' potential in sports.

Thus, awareness of girls' rights to participate in sports is imperative. Encouraging female youth participation increases self-confidence and challenges stereotypes. The short-term benefits include boosted confidence, while long-term benefits include diversifying professional sports stages. The Olympic Games have achieved gender parity, hosting equal numbers of male and female athletes. Expanding female participation will uncover unnoticed talent and increase media coverage of female sports, ultimately promoting gender equality in sports.

Volunteering at 2024 LFA’s Founders' Circle Reception to thank generous donors. |2024年5月,在学校组织的答谢捐助家长的晚会上,与同学们一起担任志愿者

To address these issues, Christina created a non-profit organization called Proactive Youth Movement Society aiming to promote youth outdoor activeness and mental health. She uploads Spotify podcasts and recordes YouTube and TikTok videos each month about active lifestyle, mental illnesses and possible solutions for youth. She also hosted in-person hikes and outdoor activities to promote health and well-being once a month. 

Christina loves making friends, earning medals, building resilience, and travelling for contests and training. She trained and competed at more than 12 ski resorts in Canada and New Zealand. She met many top snowboarders worldwide, including Yi Ming Su, Zoi Sadowski-Synnott, Darcy Sharpe, and a pioneer of developing Female Asian snow sports, Eileen Gu. During this time, she has earned several awards both in contests and events. She also has created videos of her snowboarding on different social media platforms. 

Venturing into entrepreneurship and empowering herself to become a community activitist

Outside of snowboarding, Christina’s business passion is exemplified by her achievements in business and economics. These range from challenging case competitions to exhilarating pitch contests and even entrepreneurship challenges. 

One of the most highlighting moments was undoubtedly at Strive Competition 2024, Canada’s largest technology-centred business case competition. She presented at UBC Sauder’s largest lecture hall and clinched the top spot among 250+ participants and 55 competing teams, securing a prestigious $1000 cash prize. Another defining achievement was spearheading her team to the international champion of the 2023 Global Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge, triumphing over 83 teams from 21 countries, and proudly representing Canada on a global stage. In the realm of pitch competitions, she is distinguished as a provincial finalist in the JABC Discover Your Pitch 2023 competition, showcasing her ability to articulate innovative ideas with conviction and clarity.

Learning global economics and finance at Amber Finacial Headquarters|与同学一起考察BC省著名金融企业--Amber Financial

Beyond competitions, she ventured into entrepreneurship with Moonlight Studio, a jewelry enterprise committed not only to crafting exquisite pieces but also to making a positive impact. She helped generate over $1250, donating 15% of our revenue to climate action NPOs. Recognizing the importance of fostering entrepreneurial spirit, Christina took the initiative by being a core leader of the first-ever business club at her school. Through this platform, she organized and hosted both in-house and external pitch and case competitions, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to hone their skills and pursue their passions.

Christina also has many community service and extracurricular involvements. Just recently, she took part in organizing the first iteration of TEDxYouth@ArbutusRidge, exploring the theme of innovation and humanity. As the Event Manager, she organized the logistics of the event to ensure the best “TEDx experience” for the speakers and guests. Christina continued to empower youth voices with the platform of TEDx, enabling them to share their multifaceted life experiences with the world. 

TEDxYouth@Arbutus Ridge Executive Team Photo|与TEDXYouth活动组织者在一起

Christina is also the Co-founder and Outreach Director at United Sustainable Development Goals (USDG) Youth. She brings extensive experience in researching and engaging with diverse organizations. Notable achievements include securing $5,000+ in grants with LeHomes Realty Premier, Ocean Wise, Amber Finance, and GLOCAL Canada. Recently, she spearheaded efforts to invite and communicate with the Vice President of Ocean Wise, Nicole Straughan, as a keynote speaker for her upcoming event, showcasing her adeptness in strategic research, networking and collaboration. Christina’s leadership skills are represented by my role in managing an organization comprising over 50 members and an executive/operations team spanning nine countries. In the past four months, her NPO has orchestrated six highly successful events, each one achieving a sold-out status. The most recent event boasts an impressive attendance of over 100 participants.

Looking ahead, Christina will continue to exemplify her leadership with her passion, dedication, and talent across various domains. For instance, she plans on concentrating on business or economics in undergraduate studies and continuing her snowboard career as an athlete unlocking new potential. She also continuously strives to empower female Asians in snowboarding to achieve a diverse and full representation in all sports, especially snowboarding. 

Celebrating Christina’s 16th birthday with her parents and sister|与家人共度16岁生日

Ever grateful, Christina wants to thank all her family, friends, coaches, and competitors for all their support throughout her snowboard career and whole life journey, as the future is nothing but bright for her.

Contact for Inquiries or partnerships- 
Instagram: Christina.hyt

Writen by Rise Media
Photo Credit: Christina Tian

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专访Richmond 2024杰出⻘年奖获得者、加拿大BC省单板滑雪队员Christian Tian

近日在列治文Richmond市政府举办的2024U-ROC颁奖典礼上,我读到了荣获2024U-ROC杰出⻘年奖的Christina(Hai Yi)Tian 的颁奖词:

“她在⻘少年中有着非凡的领导力和影响力;她是卑诗省单板滑雪运动员,近年来在地区、省级、国际比赛中共获得过十六枚奖牌;她和她的团队代表加拿大参加2023全球⻘年创业挑战赛(GYEC)中,经过多轮淘汰赛,从来自世界21个国家83支参赛队伍中脱颖而出,获得第一名;做为加拿大年轻的专业级持牌滑雪教练,她在训练和比赛之余还积极作为志愿者帮助当地社区小朋友学习滑雪 ...... 祝贺她当之无愧获得这个奖项。”

在颁奖仪式结束后,高度传媒采访了这位年仅十七岁的来自BC省百年名校Little Flower Academy 11年级的女孩——自信阳光,成绩优异,兴趣广泛的Christina(Hai Yi)Tian,以下是高度传媒记者对 Christian Tian的专访:

Visiting Ivy League Universities with friends in 2024|和同学们一起去美国东海岸著名大学访校

理 想

高度传媒:你目前在BC省著名中学Little Flower Academy读书,下半年你将申请大学,目前有心仪的目标大学了吗?

Christina:去年暑假我去了加拿大的多大、滑铁卢、⻄安大略校访,今年三月份,我随加拿大Elite 教育集团组织的美国东海岸名校考察团,先后参观、考察了宾大、哥大、普林斯顿、耶鲁、纽大、哈佛、康奈尔、约翰霍普金斯等,下周我将去美国西海岸大学斯坦福、伯克利、南加大、UCLA等访校。7月份我还将去宾大的沃顿商学院参加为期近一个月的全球⻘少年领导力夏令营。非常有幸在参访的过程中能够面对面地和学校的教授、在校生进行交流,受益匪浅。这些世界名校各具特色,学术氛围浓厚、历史沉淀深厚又具创新活力,校园也都很漂亮。我将根据我准备的情况,选择出适合我的理想大学。

She experienced the Shenzhen Marathon with her father and took a group photo with Yu Liang, the famous Chinese entrepreneur, as the guest of honor in 2016.|2016年与父亲一道观摩深圳马拉松比赛,并同中国著名企业家梁宇合影。



行 动


Christina:我对商业的热情体现在我参与的商业和经济相关活动中,这些活动或比赛包括具有挑战性的案例竞赛、令人振奋的演讲比赛,甚至创业挑战。最精彩的时刻之一无疑是加拿大最大的以技术为中心的商业案例竞赛2024年Strive竞赛。我在UBC Sauder商学院最大的演讲厅进行了演讲,在250多名参与者和55个参赛团队中脱颖而出,获得冠军并得到了1000加元的现金奖励。另一项显著成就是带领团队成为2023年全球青年创业挑战赛的国际冠军,并自豪地代表加拿大登上了全球舞台。在演讲比赛领域,我在JABC Discover Your Pitch 2023比赛中入围省级决赛,展示了以坚定和清晰的态度表达创新想法的能力和行动。

Won Gold at the 2023 BC Provincial Snowboard Slopestyle Competition |参加BC省2023年单板滑雪联赛,荣获女子自由式项目冠军



Learning golf for the first time|初学高尔夫

坚 持


10 meters air rifle training |在练习女子十米气步枪射击

Christina:其实每一块奖牌的背后都凝结着汗水和泪水。单板自由式滑雪项目容易受伤,我曾在训练中被摔成轻微脑震荡,直接送进急诊室; 还有几次摔过⻣裂;外伤更是家常便饭。我觉得最难忘的是去年2023年3月参加弗农银星滑雪场举办四年一次的BC省冬季运动会,在这次运动会开始前几天我发了高烧, 出发前我萌生过退赛的念头。我的教练跟我说: “这种级别的比赛,全省最高水平的选手都将参加,四年才有一次机会,你还是有必要去现场,如果比赛前身体状况不允许,我们还可以观摩、学习其他选手的比赛”。在上场前一秒,我还发着低烧、浑身疼痛四肢无力,可我咬牙坚持完成了所有的比赛、发挥出我的最佳状态。虽然最终只得到一枚铜牌,但我没有遗憾,因为我战胜了困难,也战胜了我自己。

BC Winter Games 2023|参加2023 年卑诗冬季运动会。





前不久我还参与组织了第一届 TEDxYouth @ ArbutusRidge,探讨了创新和人性的主题。作为活动经理,我组织了活动的后勤工作,以确保演讲者和嘉宾获得最佳的“TEDx体验”。

我将继续利用TEDx平台赋予青年声音,能够与世界分享他们多方面的生活经历。我还是联合国可持续发展目标(USDG)青年组织的联合创始人和外联总监。在与不同组织打交道方面,我积累了丰富的经验,包括从LeHomes Realty Premier、Ocean Wise、Amber Finance 、Glocal Canada 获得 5,000 多加元的资助。最近,我带头邀请 Ocean Wise 副总裁 Nicole Straughan作为即将举行的活动的主讲人。她给予我充分的鼓励和赞赏, 认为我在战略研究、网络和协作方面具备娴熟技能。在我管理一个由 50 多名成员和一个横跨 9 个国家的执行/运营团队组成的组织中, 展现了出众的领导能力。

Visiting her dad‘s university, Shanghai Tongji University|和爸爸一起参观他的母校

Strauhan评价我说,“在过去的四个月里,Christina的 NPO 组织了六场非常成功的活动都大受欢迎。 最近的一次活动吸引了超过 100 名参与者,令人印象深刻。"

快 乐


Christina:也许是天生的性格吧! 我没有焦虑感,我的家⻓待我一直比较宽松,他们会在我平时要求我好好学习,认真训练,但是我如果偶尔没有考好或者滑雪比赛没有发挥的太好,他们也不会有指责,而是和我一起回顾,找寻努力的方向。

Mr. Yang Gao Jian, one of Terracotta Army’s founders, gifted Christina a book in April 2019 in Xian, China. |2019年4月在西安,兵马俑的发现人之一杨高健先生给Christina赠书


Enjoying vacation at Cancun, Mexico|在墨西哥坎昆度假

高度传媒:你是一位心怀感激的人,在采访中多次感谢你的家人、老师、朋友、教练和竞争对手, 感谢他们在你的学习、单板滑雪生涯和整个人生旅程中给予的支持,祝福你前途一片光明!也感谢你百忙之中接受我们的专访。


图片提供:Christina Tian

Christina Tian 高度周刊专访已于2024年6月21日刊发,欢迎扫描二维码

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